Friday, October 9, 2009
Down with Boise!!!!!
This is the only time of year you will hear me say this but down with Boise. Not the city but the next opponent. We are game planning hard and should come away with a victory next week. I was pleasantly surprised to see my boys already doing the running for today's practice when I got to the field. It means they are taking this game seriously. The varsity struggled as well which always makes the JV feel better but this is a game that both teams will look back at and wish we won. Well maybe next year for Rocky. Go Wolves!!!!!!!!
Thank goodness its friday. My children have decided that they need to kill each other today. they are fighting over the shower. I suppose that it is a good thing because at least they want to take showers and be clean, but still its kind of retarded to deal with on an early morning. We lost again. it was a good first half. We were down 10 at the half but we didn't play in the second half and lost 42-12. We will regroup and try again this next week. We have a good match up. We play boise high, to who we have never lost to. Well have to get the kids off to school so TTFN.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Well I am mid-way through football and almost through this semester of school. My football team is currently 2-3. Not what we are expecting but, not bad considering everything that is going on. i lost my center and left tackle to the varsity and possibly some other players. My team has been decimated by the flu including myself just the other day. We are doing the best we can but it just doesn't seem to be enough right now. I know if the boys just gave a full effort then we would win, but as long as they're spirits are high and they are getting valuable experience we will be just fine. School is going well for the moment I have 2 test next week. 4 games left and I think we can win them all, finish my classes and get better grades to bring my GPA up. no Problem. TTFN
Monday, July 20, 2009
Don't sleep much. Try Tylenol PM. LOL That's what I will be using tonight. I have been working out with the football team and am sore and tired. Plus playing in the pool all day with my boys. I know, i know. Tough life right. its hard keeping up with the 3 boys. They are very active and i don't have Stacie's help because she is in summer school. Alright I am sorry for whining. I know my life isn't as tough as others. i am just so tired. And I know I can't even claim that compared too Delanie and Meggan. I am so happy I don't have to give birth and those days are over. I rember them well, just like it was yesturday. ;p Well maybe a movie will cheer me up. Who knows, i should just go to bed LOL. TTFN
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Evil !!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
So the workouts continue. A few players are missing but we will take care of that when the Alan gets back from his trip. I got to Timberline this morning and the weight room wasn't open yet. we will still get workouts in though. It was brought to my attention that some of the funnier exploits during camp were not relayed to the general public. Stacie's VT was here yesterday and one of those experiences got brought up so i decided to write about camp. It was such a whirlwind week. We were so busy that I didn't blog that much. The instance I was talking about above was my new team decided that since I was the JV head coach it might be better to call me coach kitty instead of coach cat. LOLOLOL. That only lasted until I threatened to make them do laps around the field until they stopped. It was kind of cute. Another instance was that I had to make the whole team sit in time out. They were so rambunctious that I made them sit against the fence and not talk to anyone or get up until our next game. The parents thought that was the funniest thing they had ever seen. They are a good group of kids but it made me realize just how much of a father figure I need to be and how much influence I have on they're lives. If they can grow into fine young men then i have done my job, a few wins along the way would be nice :) TTFN
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Better ThanExpected!!!!
So we got finished swimming yesterday at around 3:30. Stacie and I weighed just for giggles and I was down to 360.2. That's crazy. plus at that time of day its insane to be down 3 lbs. I just need to work at keeping it off. Maybe staying in the pool all day will help with that. Stacie pointed out to me that I am basically doing laps in the pool running away from would be tag along's. ;p My kids spend most of the time trying to ride my back while i swim or tackle me in the pool. TTFN
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Well I have been off program for a while. I haven't been writing down what i am eating for the last 2 and a half weeks. I stopped just before BSU camp and haven't been able to get back into the swing of things. fortunately i have kept the weight off. i weighed 362 yesterday. I know I should get back to it but it seems to be really hard to get back on track. I am so close to I know I should get my goal of getting back into the 350'sthat i should just do it. Tomorrow I have the kids again and It looks like I am going to go to both wrkouts to at least see if anyone is showing up coaching wise or player wise. well TTFN
Monday, June 22, 2009
Well today starts the workouts for the kids.I have a 2 pm workout with them. It is only going to be about 2 hrs so it should be fine. Looks like we are going to have hot weather for the next week which will be fun. We can spend all day at the pool. YEAH!!!! LOL I love it. TTFN
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Well I finally have a break. I don't have football for the rest of this week and have asked one of my assistant coaches to fill in for me during workouts on some days. I don't do anything with the kids until next Thursday. So i have exactly a week. I am almost as excited as my wife is. We have a 4 day weekend together and I don't quite know what we are going to do with all this time together. We will need to work out living together again because we haven't seen each other for more than a week it seems like. LOLOLOLOL. I have missed them all. I look forward to this time though and am sure that most of it will be spent in the pool ;P TTFN
Friday, June 12, 2009
Well here is the countdown. We Start camp tomorrow. Camp starts at 6:15 for the varsity and 8:05 for the JV. I had about 14 guys today. We installed our JV offense for camp in about a half-hour. It was a blast. The kids seem to have picked it up though so I am confident we are going to have fun. I have a new group of kids. I guess that is one of the benefits of being a High School JV head coach. New kids every year. I love the challenge though. TTFN.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
So it never stops. I am so tired already. We have camp coming so we are in overdrive for football. I am spending alot of time on football and loving every minute of it. Camp is looking like 14 hour days next week so that is cool. We are looking pretty good right now and it gets better everyday. TTFN
Monday, June 8, 2009
Well sorry for the late post. it has been a whirlwind weekend. I had a good week with Matt. I enjoyed the time and look forward to spending time with him again. Stacie and the kids came home Sunday evening and it was really good to see them. Man I think the kids got bigger the week they were gone. Well we had our golf tournament today and it went pretty well. My team shot a 65 which was 6 under for the round. The winners shot a 58 or 13 under for the round. It was best ball and a lot of fun. Well practice is at 8:00 am so i am going to go to bed. TTFN.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Weigh in Day
Well today is weigh in day. I feel pretty good about what I have accomplished so far. I weighted in at 363.4 which is 2 lbs. down from last week. So that is a healthy weight loss that is going to stay off. I have been watching what I eat, except the other day i went to DQ for lunch. I didn't do to bad just 154 grams of carbs which was half my intake for the day, but that was only one meal and i didn't do well on the other two. On that day I ate 4000 calories and 370 grams of carbs, a whole 100 off what I should be eating. So I ampleased with having lost for this week. I need to get the house all tidy today. My younger brother is coming up from UTAH to spend the weekend with me so that is really cool. He and I have not had alot of bonding time so I am excited. Football is done for the week, It was a good week of practice. We have camp starting a week from tomorrow so we are gearing up for that. I also got to know our public transit system well this week. I biked a few days but rode the bus 2 days and biked half way the other two. Matty and I are going to walk the golf course as well so we will get our exercise in. Well got to go clean so TTFN.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Day 1 with the wif and fam gone. They got out around 4:30 our time and got in at 10:30 pacific. So it took 7 hours. I don't envy the drive but i do miss them dearly. It also means I have to bike everywhere I want to go so I don't get out much LOL. On a positive note I am down to 362.6 lbs today. For those who know me that is awsome, for those who don't but for some reason read this blog I am down from 380 lbs. Its very exciting. My sister in law the wonderful Meg, talked me into watching my carbs. I make sure not to eat more than 300 grams per day and I have been losing weight like it was nobody's buisness. It's not as hard as it may seem but only time will tell if I can keep the weight off. Well I have to bike to football practice so TTFN.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Day 2
well here is the second day of the new journey. LOL I am so excited I have a follower. I love you Meg, B, and Matty. Well I am trying to get stacie and the kids off to CD Idaho so I will blog again later. TTFN
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Second Home
Well for those of you who don't read my other blog or for some other reason can't comment on it I decided to open one that most of my family is on. LOL. We will see if I can keep both going? I don't write on the other that often. So we will see.
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